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For Patients

Dear patients,
We are pleased that you are visiting our website!

Our goal is to offer you a lot of useful information about your illness in the future. We would also like to give you important contact addresses, provide you with literature and explain to you why it is so important that patients like you participate in our clinical trials or clinical registries. It is our goal to present the individual therapy studies and registers in a way that is easy to understand.

Your doctor in charge will also be happy to discuss the options with you to participate in a therapy study or GLA register that suits you.

Further information can be found under the sections Clinical Trials or Register.

Sincerely yours

Your German Lymphoma Alliance (GLA)

contact details
lastname     *
email     *
Ich interessiere mich für Informationen über folgende Erkrankung
Nehmen Sie bereits an einem GLA-Register teil?
Falls nein, haben Sie Interesse an einer Teilnahme in unseren laufenden Registern?